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Documentation for the WN server

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User's Guide for the WN Server

The WN user's guide contains seventeen chapters and five appendices on all aspects of setting up and maintaining a sever. Here is an overview of the server's features. Try out the  Index to the Guide. It illustrates some of the nice features of WN.

WN Examples: Forms, Clickable Images and Authentication

Here are some simple examples of CGI/1.1 forms and clickable images and authentication. They are intended as examples to help you set up your own.

WN Change Log

This is the log of changes made in various versions of WN.

Prototype Digest Authentication for the WN server

Digest authentication is a proposed addition for HTTP/1.1 which would replace "Basic authentication". WN includes an experimental prototype implementation.

Quick start Instructions

Can't wait to get started? Here is a one page instruction sheet to get you up and running. But it is better to read the chapter "Installation and Setup of WN" of the manual!

GNU General Public License

The WN server is licensed under the GNU General Public License. This allows you to use it freely in any way you choose, for any purpose commercial or non-commercial. The WN server documentation is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License.

WN version 2.5.0
Copyright © 1998-2005 John Franks <john@math.northwestern.edu>
licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License
Last modified: Sat June 18 2005