
v0.70, 2005-08-27


Pista is a user interface to the popular PICSTART Plus PIC programmer. Pista is written entirely in PERL. It is intended to be used under Linux but probably any *nix like operating system may run it.
(The word Pista rhymes with PIcSTArt, but actually it is the Hungarian equivalent of the nickname Steve. ;-)

I hope later it may be extended to handle other serial programmers like ProMate or PicWriter.


Pista works like an interactive shell. After starting up it gives you a prompt and waits for user commands. Its main job is to copy data between Intel hex files, PIC chips, the user's terminal, and internal buffers back and forth. Other functions are data comparison, checksum computation and erasing chips.

Pista uses Term::ReadLine PERL package for user I/O. If you have Term::ReadLine::GNU or Term::ReadLine::Perl installed then full command line editing and history is supported.

On the other hand Pista is also intended to be a backend of a GUI program with all bells and whistles. The graphical frontend just have to open a pipe to Pista and to send command through it. Replies of Pista look like answers from an SMTP, FTP, or NNTP server: an easy to parse three digit code followed by some human readable text.


The main operation of Pista is copying data between objects. An object may be a hex file, an internal buffer, a PIC chip or the user's terminal.
File is an ordinary disk file in ihex32 format.
Buffer is an internal non-persistent storage area. Buffers are identified by names, similar to filenames. You may think buffers as temporary files. Content of buffers gets lost when program exits.
PIC is the actual chip inserted in your programmer's ZIF socket. Copying data into pic actually writes your chip.
Terminal is your TTY device. It is suitable to enter or to dump data in "huma^H^H^H^Hnerd readable" form.

In 2003 Microhip introduced a new Flash based version of PICSTART Plus. (Processor upgrade kit for older devices is available.) If you have such a hardware you can upgrade firmware on the fly. Therefore a new object called firmware is added to Pista v0.40a. See below.


Objects have one or more sections of prog, cal, userid, devid, conf, eeprom. These corresponds to code area, calibration space, user ID, device ID, configuration word(s) and data area in PIC chips (if implemented).

Naming conventions

PIC and terminal objects are called pic: and term: respectively.

Buffers and files have similar designation buf: and file: followed by their names. For your convenience in most cases "file:" can be omitted unless in case of ambiguity. (This feature will be removed as soon as I destroy a precious file accidentally. ;-) Examples of valid object specifications:

Specification Object
file:/tmp/foo.hex Disk file /tmp/foo.hex
../src/bar.hex Disk file ../src/bar.hex
buf:saved_config A buffer named saved_config
pic: The chip in ZIF socket
buf:pic: A buffer named pic: (See note)
file:buf:pic: Disk file buf:pic: (a quite pathological case ;-)
./buf:pic: The same as above
Note: It is not decided yet if other than alphanumeric chars are allowed in buffer names.
Note: It is not decided yet if unnamed buffer (buf:) is a valid object.


Sections may be copied (erased, blank checked etc.) in the same step or individually.
PICSTART Plus usually handles these sections as indivisible units except program memory which may be read or written partially. Other similar programmer devices or later versions of PICSTART Plus may be more intelligent. Therefore Pista allows to select parts of the sections.
A list of (partial) sections is a range.

A range specification is comma separated list of

Where address_range is one of these:
(Decimal, hexadecimal or octal numbers are all accepted.) Ranges affected by the current operation is set by the --range command line option. Examples of valid range specifications:
Specification Operation affects
--range=prog the entire program area
--range=prog/0x280+32 program memory from 0x280 to 0x29f
--range=prog,cal program memory and calibration area
--range=userid/+3+1 fourth word of user ID
--range=eeprom the whole EEPROM
If no range specification is given, the current operation affects all possible memory areas (i.e. same as --range=prog,cal,userid,devid,eeprom,conf).


programmer [options] programmer_type [arguments ...]
Select programmer type. Currently the only possible programmer_type is picstart . Its mandatory argument is the serial line e.g. /dev/ttyS0 .
Possible options: --debug enables debugging, --noprogress disables progress meter.

device pic_type
Select PIC type for the subsequent operations.

Read Device ID and check if corresponds to the pic_type selected previously.

show buffers|programmer|version|device
Show list of buffers, programmer type, program version or PIC type respectively.

copy [--noblank] [--range=range] [--force] srcobj dstobj
Copy selected range of data from srcobj to dstobj. If option --noblank is given blank words (according to current pic_type specifications) are discarded during copy.
In normal cases calibration area and some special bits in config should be preserved. However if you want to do overwrite these bits you need the option --force.
Actually command should be called merge because it leaves out of range memory areas untouched. So you can change a single word in a PIC as well as overwrite a selected part of a hex file. If you want replace the entire section erase it before.

compare [--range=range] srcobj dstobj    (not implemented yet)
Compare content of two objects.

blankcheck [--range=range] [srcobj]    (partially implemented)
Check if selected range of srcobj is blank.
In case of pic: object "blank" means what do you think: all ones. Otherwise the selected area must contain "undefined" values.
Default srcobj is pic: .
Default range is prog,cal,conf,eeprom
As of version 0.52b

erase [--range=range] [--force] dstobj
Erase selected parts of dstobj (if possible). Erasing overwrite the selected region with the "blank" value whatever it means (see above).
Calibration area and some special factory preset bits in config words will be restored after erase operation unless --force option is given.

delete dstobj
If dstobj is pic: deleting is equal to chip erase. Calibration area will be restored automatically.
file: disk file will be removed.
In case of buf: the buffer will be destroyed.
Due to dangerous nature of this command unqalified dstobj is not assumed to be a file: by default.

checksum [--range=range] srcobj    (partially implemented)
Compute checksum for the selected region. The response contains raw 16 bit sum for all possible sections plus the "officially" computed checksum as described in chip documentations. (It is computed as if chip is code unprotected.)
As of version 0.52b

cd [dir]
Change current working directory.

! shell_cmd
Give shell_cmd to /bin/sh to execute.

. filename
Read lines from filename and regards them as user commands. This is the convenient way to execute commands in batch. Program initialization is done in a similar way executing $HOME/.pistarc .

help [command]
List available commands or dislplay command syntax.

If a command is preceded by pipe (|) character its output will be passed to a filter given by PAGER environment variable. If no PAGER given "less -F -X" used.


Commands found in $HOME/.pistarc will be executed automatically after startup.

Command line options

At startup Pista checks if standard input is connected to a terminal. If yes it goes to interactive mode by enabling readline functions.
However if commands come from a pipe program has two choices. Option --batch forces to abort command processing if any error occurs. This mode can be used in scripts and Makefiles. (It is similar to -e options of Bourne shell.) Just simply echo series of commands into stdin of Pista.
In backend mode commands come from frontend program one by one. Frontend can evaluate result codes and can make decisions in case of error.
If stdin is not a terminal and nor --backend neither --batch option is given batch mode is assumed.

--init rcfile
By default Pista executes command from $HOME/.pistarc at startup time. You can disable this feature by --no-init option. Default rcfile can be changed with --init.

Makefile examples

You can feed commands on stdin. Makefile syntax is a bit strict. It is not trivial to produce a multiline string. A possible way is starting a subshell to run a series of echo commands:
picprog:	foo.hex
	(echo programmer picstart ;  \
	 echo device 16f877       ;  \
	 echo copy foo.hex pic:   )| \
	pista --no-init --batch
GNU Make allows you to define functions. This makes Makefile readable a bit:
define write_pic
(echo programmer picstart ;  \
 echo device 16f877       ;  \
 echo copy $^ pic:        )| \
pista --no-init --batch

picprog:	bar.hex


Firmware upgrade

Pista v0.40a or higher can download firmware upgrade into Flash processor of PICSTART Plus. Follow instructions below:
  1. Set programmer type:
    programmer picstart [ serial_port ]
  2. Select PIC18F6720:
    device 18f6720
  3. Copy HEX file containing latest Microchip firmware into PICSTART PLus:
    copy disk_file_name firmware:
    File can be downloaded from www.microchip.com. However you may spend a lot of time with searching. At the last resort look for the latest MPLAB IDE. This package usually contains PICSTART Plus firmware too. (File pspls41006.hex shipped with MPLAB IDE 6.43.) However in this case you have to install it on a vindoze machine then search file in $INSTALLROOT/Programmers dir. (Hey! Were you willing to install a vindoze program? You probably don't need Pista. ;-) Write the
    webmaster and ask him to distribute 4.0+ PICSTART Plus firmware separately.

  4. Reset programmer and check new firmware version:
    programmer picstart [ serial_port ]
Note: The early editions of the Flash firmware and loader have some flow control problems. (Actually it does not signal if cannot accept more input so character overrun may occur.) This can result corrupted or broken Flash image that makes PICSTART Plus unusable. Don't panic. The loader code of 18F6720 remains intact and you can retry the download operation.

